Read the book that launched my thriller-writing career: HARVEST
23 years ago, I got a startling call from my literary agent, Meg Ruley. Up till then I’d been writing romantic suspense novels for Harlequin Intrigue and Harper Paperbacks, but I was hoping to branch out in a new direction. I’d submitted about 150 pages of the new medical thriller I was writing, and Meg thought those initial pages were strong enough to attract offers from publishers. A few weeks after she sent out my partial manuscript, Meg called to say that Pocket Books wanted to buy my novel. They planned to release it as a hardcover, and they were willing to put every effort into marketing it.
That book was HARVEST, and it marked my debut on the NYT Bestseller list.
Now, almost a quarter century later, HARVEST has been re-released as a trade paperback. Here’s your chance to read the book that launched my career as a thriller writer.